"I help health business owners to take their services online" 

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How To Set Up A Telehealth Service

Course now live!

*Includes NEW module: Rapid Transition To Telehealth Due to COVID19*

Why Embrace Technology In Your Health Business?

Reach More Patients

Simple technologies can enable you to transcend geography and reach more of the patients you want to see

Earn More Money

You can break away from the money for time bind and discover a whole new way to achieve your financial goals

Create More Time

Free up your time by learning how to automate processes without losing the personalisation your patients deserve

How I Can Help

Since making the transition from career Physiotherapist to Health Entrepreneur, I have discovered that most service based business owners in the health industry face these 3 main problems:

  • They only make money when patients are physically being seen
  • Their face to face services are limited only to people in a certain geographical area
  • Their time gets drained with paperwork and administration

With a kit bag full of systems, tech tools, and digital strategies, I am able to help you to plan, implement and drive a strategy that enables you to:

  • Transcend geography to reach more people
  • Break away from the money for time bind
  • Spend less time on admin and more time on the golf course, out jogging or with your family


Complete the Telehealth Service Viability Survey and Find Out

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Who Is Karen Finnin?

Karen Finnin is a digital health authority, speaker and author. She specialises in helping health business owners to take their services online.

A qualified Physiotherapist, in 2011 Karen launched Online Physio, Australia’s first entirely online Physiotherapy clinic. As a result of the success of Online Physio, Karen has become one of Australia’s leading authorities within the telehealth (online health consultation) industry. Through her experience with Online Physio and subsequent business projects, Karen has become passionate about how health business owners can apply simple digital strategies to many aspects of their service offering to enable them to reach more people, earn more money and create more time.

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Karen Finnin in the Media

Karen is approached regularly to comment in the media regarding health, technology and business.

Complete the Are You Telehealth Ready? checklist and find out