What They Didn’t Teach You at Uni Could Be Killing Your Health Career

Ahhh, those wonderful Uni days of beer and pizza lunches, evening pub crawls and breakfast hangovers. Oh, and study too of course. Loads of study.

When you think back to what you learned at Uni, you probably remember learning anatomy, studying various conditions, and practicing interventions and treatments.

All of that knowledge has no doubt served you well in your ensuing health career. In order to advance yourself further – to be more in demand, to have more successful outcomes with your patients and to be more recognized in the industry – you probably feel that you need to further hone these same academic topics. But that couldn’t be further from the truth.

The key skills that currently hold you back from increased success are skills they didn’t teach at Uni. They are not taught at Certificate, Diploma, Bachelor, Masters OR PhD level in any health profession.


So, what are 5 things they didn’t teach you at uni, that are most likely to be holding you back in your health career?

How to Pitch

You might think that pitching is reserved for door-to-door salespeople, but the reality is that, as health professionals, we are always trying to sell the benefits of our intervention. If you can’t give a compelling pitch to your patient about why they have to come and see you, or do what you say, your patient simply won’t comply. And make it concise – the more words you use, the more you dilute your message.

The art of Branding

Your branding is your identity. It conveys the personality of your health service. The stronger your brand is, the more likely it is that your message will land with your target patient population. From your website to your handouts, your social media personality to your logo, nailing your branding gives you instant traction and credibility.

How to Create Content

Content creation is now an essential component of any health marketing activity. From blog posts to videos, infographics to booklets, your success is defined by the quality and volume of content that you put out into the digital world.

How to build a Product funnel

Health professionals are used to having to physically see a patient to make money. With the rise of digital products and online learning, however, this does not have to be the case. Develop a program once, and sell it over and over with automated online delivery. Say hello to a new income stream, and goodbye to burnout.

How to crush Social Media

Most of us are used to using social media for our own personal purposes, but that doesn’t mean we know how to use it to get successful business outcomes for our health service. Health professionals need to learn how to get maximal social media impact with minimal invested time.


Being a successful health professional is certainly about having great clinical skills, but the really great health professionals are those who are also clever at pitching and promoting their niche digitally in order to leverage their skills to reach and help more people.

What next? Pick some cool courses and get educated.


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